‪ donations to my project on donors choose are currently being doubled if you can help at all right now this is the best time. Check out my classroom on @DonorsChoose! I’d love your help to bring my project to life: https://www.donorschoose.org/project/discovering-art-through-watercolors-and/4880591/?utm_source=dc&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=project&utm_term=teacher_6547604&rf=twitter-dc-2020-08-project-teacher_6547604&challengeid=21420419 via @donorschoose‬
almost 4 years ago, Ruth Hunter
Updated schedule
almost 4 years ago, Naomi Austin
7-12 Open House Schedule
7th Grade Parent Meeting - August 11th 4:00 9th Grade Parent Meeting - August 12th 4:00 7-12 Open House Schedule - August 13
almost 4 years ago, Naomi Austin
7-12 Open House Schedule
The Verona R-7 Covid-19 Re-entry Plan has been published to the Veronar7.net website. You can find a copy of the plan on both the elementary page and the junior high/high school page. We look forward to starting school on August 17th. Open house will be Aug. 13th. You will get details on open house out very soon. El Plan de reingreso Verona R-7 Covid-19 ha sido publicado en el sitio web Veronar7.net. Puede encontrar una copia del plan en la página de primaria y en la página de secundaria / preparatoria. Esperamos comenzar la escuela el 17 de agosto. La jornada de puertas abiertas será el 13 de agosto. Obtendremos detalles sobre puertas abiertas muy pronto.
almost 4 years ago, Naomi Austin
Atención a todos los atletas de otoño de secundaria. La temporada de otoño está a poco más de una semana. High School Fall Baseball comenzará las prácticas el lunes 10 de agosto a las 4:00 pm. High School Volleyball también comenzará a practicar en la misma fecha. La hora de inicio será a las 6:30 a.m. Todos los atletas deben tener un físico deportivo completo para poder practicar.
almost 4 years ago, Brandon Weiss
Attention All High School Fall Athletes. The fall season is a little over a week away. High School Fall Baseball will begin practices on Monday, August 10th at 4:00 pm. High School Volleyball will also begin practices on the same date. The start time will be 6:30 am. All athletes must have a completed sports physical in order to practice.
almost 4 years ago, Brandon Weiss
BALONCESTO JUNIOR ALTO: Junior High Basketball está a la vuelta de la esquina. Estamos a 3 semanas del comienzo de la práctica el lunes 17 de agosto. Cualquier estudiante de sexto a octavo grado que esté interesado en jugar necesita que sus padres / tutores se registren en la aplicación del equipo. Utilizaremos la misma aplicación para niños y niñas. https://band.us/@veronajhbasketball
almost 4 years ago, Brandon Weiss
JUNIOR HIGH BASKETBALL: Junior High Basketball is right around the corner. We are 3 weeks out from the beginning of practice on Monday, August 17th. Any student 6th-8th grade that is interested in playing needs to have their parent/guardian sign up on the team app. We will be using the same app for Boys and Girls. https://band.us/@veronajhbasketball
almost 4 years ago, Brandon Weiss
almost 4 years ago, Tony Simmons
On behalf of the educators out here...this next quarter (but probably longer) starts a new chapter in public education. There is a huge learning curve that students, teachers, and district administrators will be navigating, yet again, together! As we embark on this thing called “Return to Learn”, we are asking our Facebook friends to refrain from publicly scrutinizing their children’s administrators/teachers/schools/district for the way they are teaching, the lessons they’re assigning, or the decisions the districts are making. Instead, we ask you stand up for educators if you see this negativity on your timeline. Please offer grace to your child’s teacher and other school personnel. I promise that educating & keeping your children safe is still their #1 priority. ❤️ They are about to navigate uncharted waters with little idea in what to expect. They love your kids and will be doing their absolute best! 🤍💻📝📌📎🖊📓📚🧮➗🖍➕🎨🎼🏃🏽‍♀️ Please copy & paste if you are a teacher ... or support teachers. And fellow educators, YOU’VE GOT THIS! I believe in you! We are all in this together! I support educators!
almost 4 years ago, Tony Simmons
This is a general supply list for junior high and high school students. Some teachers may ask for different items. However, this should give you a good idea of core supplies. Grades 7-12 will be issued a Chromebook. Insurance on each device is required. If you need assistance with supplies or require a hardship plan for insurance, please contact the school office for assistance.
almost 4 years ago, Naomi Austin
General Supply List
Elementary supply lists for 20-21. We understand families make individual decisions about purchases. If there is something you chose not to buy, we will work around it. No student will be reprimanded for not having the complete list. If your student needs a little extra help, contact the elementary office starting August 3rd. Thanks and have a great July!
almost 4 years ago, Melody M. Whitehead
Check out my classroom on @DonorsChoose! I'd love your help to bring my project to life: donorschoo.se/e/OcUmHDmUa8
almost 4 years ago, Ruth Hunter
Verona FBLA Exciting News! National FBLA Results Accounting I--Ashley Freiburger--5th Place Business Ethics--Courtney Freiburger-- 10th Place Help Desk--Rachael Leitz--8th Place Congratulations!! Verona FBLA Proud!!
almost 4 years ago, Susan Senninger
Mrs. Freiburger, Mrs. Nettles, and Mrs. Fenske’s classes played Beach Towel Bingo and decorated Flip Flop Nutter Butter Cookies in summer school today!
almost 4 years ago, Beth Fenske
JH BASKETBALL (BOYS AND GIRLS) INFORMATION: Any student that is interested in playing JH Basketball this year needs to sign up for the band app. The link is below. I will be sending out schedules for the upcoming season within the next couple of weeks. https://band.us/n/a9a938j8y2wfg
almost 4 years ago, Brandon Weiss
Attention Elementary Summer School Parents!
almost 4 years ago, Beth Fenske
Mrs. Freiburger, Mrs. Nettles, and Mrs. Fenske’s classes made Rice Krispy Beach Towels in summer school today!
almost 4 years ago, Beth Fenske
Even with all the hurdles surrounding the school year, Verona FFA still manages to succeed. Courtney and Ashley once again have won first place in the State FFA Agriscience fair. These two amazing students spent the quarantine and summer building on their project from last year and preparing a research paper to submit to the state. Their hard work has paid off, making them two-time state winners! Great work, we are so proud of you both.
almost 4 years ago, David Parrack
Agriscience picture